uploads/army worm.jpg

army worm (成群結隊毀壞莊稼的)黏蟲。


We implemented mentioned above functions with visual c + + 6 . 0 language , developed software package , associated with designed hardware system , tested 8 kinds of common agricultural pest , for example , eterusia aedea linneus , parasa consocia , marumba aperchius , asparagus caterpillar , maize borer , cotton bollworm , army worm , and so on . rate of recognition is up to 85 . 7 % . when it c 用visualc什6 . 0語言實現了上述各環節的功能,開發了識別系統軟件包,與研制的硬件裝置相配合,分別對茶斑蛾、褐邊綠刺蛾、栗六點天蛾、甜菜夜蛾、玉米螟、棉鈴蟲、粘蟲等8種常見的農田害蟲進行測試,識別率達到了85 . 7 % 。

Test of several low - toxic insecticide on control of beet army worm in welsh onion 幾種低毒殺蟲劑防治大蔥甜菜夜蛾試驗